CatholicCare NT is dedicated to delivering services in the most effective way possible. That means we have policies and processes that ensure people are treated with the utmost respect and fairness. By regularly checking and referring to these policies we know that we are delivering our services in a fair and equal way. Governance is here to protect you and to help us continually improve our service.
Safeguarding Children
Keeping children safe is the business of all our staff and directly links to our mission and values. We clearly state that “we believe that all people and all communities are equal in dignity and have equal rights.”
Safeguarding children and young people is a commitment and responsibility that CatholicCare NT takes seriously. The International Convention of the Rights of the Child states that “in all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”
CatholicCare NT works directly with children, young people and their families, often at vulnerable times in their lives. Our commitment to these children who use our services is to provide a safe environment free from harm.
We are committed to:
maintaining safeguarding children accreditation.
promoting the rights of children to be protected from abuse and other harms.
supporting staff through education and training to be able to identify and report abuse.
ensuring that staff understand their lawful responsibilities to report the abuse or suspected abuse of children.
demonstrating accountability through having clear policies and procedures that provide clear instruction and guidance to staff when working with children and families.
having recruitment and vetting processes that seek to identify staff who may pose a risk to children. This includes all staff regardless of their position in the organisation having working with children’s clearances, criminal history checks and undertaking independent referee checks.
a code of conduct that gives clear guidelines about acceptable behaviour when working with children.
Meeting community service standards is vital in delivering the best possible service. To make sure we are meeting these standards, we are accredited by the Quality Improvement Council. Accreditation is reviewed every three years and is recognised at a national level. It requires us to meet strict regulations that meet the community service standards. By obtaining accreditation, we can demonstrate a high standard of service and program delivery, and you can be confident you will receive a quality client-centred service from us.
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
By celebrating similarities and differences, CatholicCare NT acknowledges our rich and culturally diverse society. We recognise and promote significant cultural days and develop training to create cross-cultural awareness amongst staff. This strengthens our commitment to help each and every person, no matter what lingual, cultural or religious background they have or identify with.
We believe that all people and all communities are equal in dignity and have equal rights. By creating policies that adhere to the recognition of cultural and linguistic diversity, we demonstrate this belief in every service we provide.
Privacy Statement
When you access and use our services, we may collect your personal and sensitive information to help you achieve your goals. CatholicCare NT must uphold the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988. Our staff are expected to meet the requirements of the privacy and confidentiality policies and procedures to ensure that your information is protected and only used as agreed.